What Exercise Machine Burns the Most Belly Fat?

A flat stomach is a goal for many people on their fitness journey. Whether you are male or female, this feature is a desirable part of someone’s physique. Extra fat stored in the body can lead to a number of health problems such as obesity, diabetes, etc. You may have seen exercises, diet pills, or certain foods claiming to “burn belly fat.” But what really is the best way to achieve this goal?

The top 5 gym machines that burn the most belly fat include the treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, stair climber, and stationary bike. All these machines will provide an excellent cardiovascular workout and promote weight loss as you burn calories. You can also use strength training to develop your core muscles, as well as at-home exercises such as planks and crunches.

In this article, we will break down exercise machines, discuss which is best for you and share tips for losing belly fat. Let’s get started!

Best Gym Machines to Lose Belly Fat  

We mentioned that losing weight is directly correlated with the number of calories burned. So logically, the best exercise machines to do so would be the ones that burn the most calories. In any case, these will be machines focused on providing a cardiovascular workout. These exercises do not specifically target belly fat but can decrease the amount of fat in your body overall.

We’ve broken down the pros and cons of the most popular machines and information on the average caloric burn for each. Take a look at the list below.

1. Treadmill

Treadmills are one of the best exercise machines to burn calories. Depending on the intensity of your workout, you can burn up to 900 calories per hour. Treadmills allow you to run, walk, or jog. You can boost any of these activities by increasing your incline. The incline is meant to mimic the terrain of hills, making your workout more difficult. Additionally, a treadmill is proven to be the most effective exercise machine to burn calories because it allows you to move the fastest.

Walking (3 mph)30 min.170
Jogging (5 mph)30 min.272
Running (7mph)30 min.459

Treadmill Benefits:

  • Highest calorie burner out of all exercises
  • Easily found at most gyms
  • Various speeds and inclines to provide an exciting workout

Treadmill Disadvantages:

  • High impact on joint pain
  • Upper body is used minimally

2. Elliptical

 An elliptical workout is a great option for those who can’t run or want to prevent joint pains. On an elliptical, or cross trainer, your body is moving as it would be running or climbing. However, your feet are planted into position as the machine moves for you. This makes less of an impact on your joints, resulting in fewer injuries over time. Also, an elliptical has arm handles that give your upper body a workout as well. You can up the resistance on an elliptical to add strength training and intensity.

Light (Resistance Based)30 min.173
Moderate (Resistance Based)30 min.320
Hard (Resistance Based)30 min.450

Elliptical Benefits:

  • Low impact on joints
  • Full body workout

Elliptical Disadvantages:

  • Burns fewer calories than running
  • Uncomfortable movement for some

3. Rowing Machine

Rowing is another excellent exercise to burn calories and belly fat. Just like the elliptical, a rowing machine puts your entire body to work! The rowing machine mimics the movement of rowing a boat. Begin seated, holding onto your imaginary oar (the handles) with your legs bent. Then, you explosively drive your legs and extend through your core and upper body, pulling your arms to your chest. As you can imagine, this exercise is a powerful way to burn a massive number of calories and shrink belly fat.

Light (2,000 meters)30 min.165
Moderate (4,000 meters)30 min.300
Hard (6,000 meters)30 min.370

Rowing Machine Benefits:

  • Full body workout
  • Dynamic and engaging

Rowing Machine Disadvantages:

  • Cannot be found at every gym
  • Difficult to do for prolonged periods
  • Easy to over-exert yourself

4. Stair Climber

Climbing flights on a stair climber can pack a punch when it comes to burning calories. On this machine, you are on a flight of stairs that moves as an escalator does. You can adjust the speed to determine how quickly you climb the stairs. On top of burning calories, the stair climber also works your quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Additionally, each time you bend your knees to take a step, your core is engaged. This is important because weak core muscles can lead to easier fatigue, less endurance, and injuries.

Light (16 flights)30 min.167
Moderate (20 flights)30 min.235
Hard (33 flights)30 min.310

Stair Climber Benefits:

  • Low impact on joints
  • Builds muscle in the lower body and core

Stair Climber Disadvantages:

  • Burns fewer calories than running
  • Not recommended for individuals with chronic knee or back problems

5. Stationary Bikes

An intense stationary bike or cycling exercise is one of the best options when it comes to burning calories and shedding belly fat. This machine works just like a regular bike, except you are locked into place at the gym. As you peddle, you can build lean muscle in your calves, hamstrings, and glutes. Some gyms offer cycling classes, which allow you to work out as a group. This can push you to work harder, stay engaged and enjoy the social aspect of group fitness.

Light (3 miles)30 min.132
Moderate (5 miles)30 min.264
Hard (7 miles)30 min.300

Stationary Bike Benefits:

  • Low impact on joints
  • Group classes available at some gyms

Stationary Bike Disadvantages:

  • Can lead to back pain
  • Uncomfortable seats on bikes







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